Private mortgages
Private Mortgages

Private mortgages adapted to every circumstance

Private mortgages

Did your Bank refuse your mortgage application due to their stringent requirements?  Zolaris Finance Group Inc. can offer you a Private Mortgage loan so you can purchase your new home, embark in your renovation projects or other commercial real estate projects.

Private mortgages are interest-only loans. Interest-only loans do not require homeowners to pay the mortgage principal down, and instead only require interest payments each month which provides them more flexibility.

A Private Mortgage is required when Banks won’t finance your real estate purchase, you need fast financing and can’t wait for the bank’s long approval process, bad credit history out of your control, or you have non-confirmable income that is preventing you from obtaining a traditional mortgage from a bank.

Our loans are interest-only loans where you only pay the interests on the loan monthly, not the capital amount of the loan itself. This results in lower monthly payments which provides you more flexibility allowing you to better manage your expenses and projects.

Our private loans are equity-based loans which allows homeowners to borrow against the available equity in their residential and non-residential properties. We use the properties as collateral for financing.

If you would like to apply for a private loan for your mortgage, contact Zolairs Finance Group Inc. at , (514) 416-3489 or complete the private loan application form.

Online Application

Our private loans adapted to your needs

Simple - Quick - Flexible - Confidential Private Loans